We are able to ship anywhere within the United States.
Orders ship Monday-Friday.
Some items within your order may ship separately. You will never be charged more for shipping and handling than what appears at checkout.
We do provide shipping time estimations for all of our products. We will work to get your order to you as quickly as possible, but please note that our shipping lead times are all estimations and we cannot guarantee an order to arrive by a specific time. We encourage you to ship all items to a permanent address in order to ensure a successful delivery.
Backordered Items
If you ordered multiple items, in-stock items will ship immediately via your requested shipping method. If an item you ordered is anticipated to be in stock within 60 business days, we will hold your order to allow all items to ship together. Backordered items will be shipped as soon as they become available.
Shipping costs can be found at checkout, and it is automatically priced by our selected couriers for US Customers under $150. Orders over $150 ship free via USPS Priority Mail. Our default carrier option is Priority Mail - which takes 2-3 business days to arrive (on average).
Packages usually arrives 5-10 business days after an order is placed. USPS Priority generally take 2-3 business days to arrive, but travel times have been longer of late due to demand increase and COVID-19-related issues.